Join the community

Looking to connect with other female and diverse founders and investors? Join our community and network with like-minded individuals who are passionate about supporting and empowering women in the startup ecosystem.

For Founders
Empowering female and diverse founders with resources, mentorship, and a supportive community to help their startups thrive.
For Investors
Join us to connect with like-minded female and diverse investors, access exclusive opportunities, and drive diversity in the investment landscape.

We're starting a community for female founders & investors

With life long relationship and support, we help female startups grow in an unimaginable speed

We want to hear your story

We're interviewing female founders and investors
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Be featured in our newsletter

Each month we will feature a female founder on our newsletter
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Sponsor an event

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Our mission is to foster a vibrant ecosystem where female and diverse founders of startups empower each other to create groundbreaking businesses and reshape the future of entrepreneurship and finance.


Increase the total capital invested for female founded companies

By 2028, we plan to increase the total capital invested in venture-backed startups in the US for female founded companies from 2.1% to over 20%.
